Sunday, June 21, 2009


File:Cicada molting animated-2.gif
Molting Cicada, Wikipedia

I am pretty sure the world sucks, and I am feeling very helpless about that this week. I am feeling helpless about the protesters in Iran, and what Khamenei and his government have given the militias the okay to do. I watched maybe 15 minutes of "This Week with George S." this morning, and heard the retarded, shallow argument between Lindsey Graham and Chris Dodd about how the U.S. should respond to the situation. Should we condemn the Iranian government or strongly condemn them? It doesn't matter, (a) because everyone knows which side the U.S. is on and (b) no intelligent person is going to believe that the U.S. engineered the revolt. Plus, I was annoyed that the segment should be on the U.S. 's response to the situation, not the situation itself.

I am feeling helpless that Obama's "sweeping overhaul of the financial regulatory system" sounds like a whole lotta nothing, and that the government is still primarily concerned with the interests of the banking industry. Same with his promise of transparent government, as his administration has followed the Bush administration in keeping logs of who visits the White House secret.

Also, the new report on global warming makes the future sound more hopeless than ever. Maybe I should stop reading the news ...

Well, at least bugs are cool. I've been watching "Life in the Undergrowth", which has some absolutely amazing footage of absolutely amazing bugs. There are some clips from the show here. So, like I said, at least we have bugs to be happy about.

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