Tuesday, July 22, 2008

more mouse pics

This pic was left on my camera when I got to Hawaii; figured I'd upload it so I'd have extra space:
From New Mousies!

This is a picture of them all napping in a part of an ice cream cone box. You can see Premium (the mostly black mouse) and Spazmotron (the fatter mostly white mouse) in the back, and the two new babies in the front. The babies have been named. The orange one is Shazam! and the white one is Poppinfresh.

cheezburger in paradise

We arrived in Kauai late-ish (depending on whether you ask a Hawaiian or a Californian) last night. It was pitch black pretty much everywhere, so I was amazed when I woke up this morning! Above are some photos I took from and around my hotel room. Cap'n Bringdown is still sleeping and I was told not to go too far (I get lost easily :)). 

Sunday, July 20, 2008

get the t-shirt

Cap'n Bringdown has come up with another brilliant scheme to fulfill his dream of having $10 million. T-shirt designing! The history: for his birthday, I made him a T-shirt using Cafe Press. He thought it was so awesome that we should submit it to Threadless, which is a site that sells user-designed T-shirts that win their contest. The winner gets like $2000, which, while not $10 million, will almost pay for our trip to Hawaii next week. Anyways, please vote for me whenever/if ever my T-shirt design gets accepted to the contest. Here's a link:

Suteki - Threadless, Best T-shirts Ever

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

flies are pretty

As someone who (these days) spends most of her time watching flies (i.e. I am a fly expert (p.s. I am also a Greeble expert)), I have to admit that flies are not pretty. But I think these plots I am about to post are beautiful with a capital U. Not in terms of formatting (Matlab is being a punk today) but in terms of actually demonstrating a pattern! I won't go into any details about what they are demonstrating, as that is privileged :) information, so please, make up the details yourselves :).

baby photos

I've got two new baby mousies! Here are some photos:

Look at the babies!

Aren't they precious!

Gratuitous butt shot

Everybody's butts!

Ha ha! Charade you are!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Escher's Ascending and Descending, In Lego

Read about it's construction here. Related to today's NYT xword clue: "It produces more than 20 billion bricks annually" (A: LEGO).

Friday, July 11, 2008


I came across this photo while doing research for my latest endeavour, my crossword puzzle. It is a picture of Japanese (snow) macaques chilling at an onsen in Japan. I like monkeys. Read more about them on Wikipedia.

my very first crossword

Last night/this morning, I wasted time on crosswords, again. This time, I made a crossword. It is my very first, and it is probably either way too hard, way too easy, or, even better, way too hard in some parts and way too easy in others. If you try it, let me know what you think! Click here to get a printable page or here to get a puzzle playable with Across Lite on Windows/Mac, xword on Linux (here's the deb file). Solution here.