Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Jammin' on the One: A Plea for Help

Ja-ja-ja-jammin' on the one. I don't know what to say.

One of the greatest -- well, let's go with most memorable -- Cosby Shows of all time is the one in which Stevie Wonder and one of the Huxtable kids get in a car crash. When making a recording, Stevie asks Theo, "What do you say at a party?" to which Theo replies, "Jammin' on the one". Do any of my many :) readers know the origin of this phrase? Amazingly, Google does not tell me the answer. Here is the definition from the Urban Dictionary:

jammin' on the one

1-What you say at a party.
2-What Theo Huxtable says at a party.

Just jammin' on the one fo' shizzle.

Was this a real phrase, outside of the Cosby Universe? Perhaps, the world may never know.

Update, January 22, 2009. The problem has been solved!

From Brent S.:
The lingo changes so quickly and apart from in the show (which I ALSO vividly recall as I thought it was pretty cool) I've never heard it specifically. Rock'n'roll was traditionally based on the backbeat, on the 2 and 4; one - TWO - three - FOUR. Maybe it simply refers to emphasizing the downbeat; ONE - two - three - four, etc.
And from Matt S.:
Brent is right. Watch this video of Bootsy Collins. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHE6hZU72A4&feature=related

Here is the video mentioned:

[[Embedded video Bootsy's Basic Funk Formula]]

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