Monday, September 29, 2008

where not to poke your finger in pasadena

From blackwidow

From blackwidow

Last night, we were out hunting crickets (that's a thing we do), and we found that we had some competition. A large, wily cricket got away from Cap'n Bringdown, but ran into this nasty looking black widow (see pics). The scuffle that followed was very quick and efficient. Cap'n Bringdown thought we should try and catch the spider, but, as you can guess, Cap'n Bringdown was not the brains of this particular cricket-hunting expedition (Aside: I have got down quite the cricket catching system. It involves a large plastic juice bottle, a plastic cup, an envelope, and a funnel (a rolled up piece of paper).) Anyways, we left it alone, and I stopped by on my way to school during the freak rainstorm this morning to check to see if she was still there. I took some pictures from as close as I could put my camera. Despite all the wonderful advice I received that I should stick my finger in there and get her to come out for a better picture, I did not, and thus I survive to go tell the world about the practical applications of fruit fly behavior analysis. So, the take away message from this blog entry is to be careful where you poke your fingers on the corner of Wilson and Cordova in Pasadena :).

From blackwidow

From blackwidow

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