Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I think er no I mean er yes but it's all wrong

For some reason (maybe a lack of cool bugs to photograph?) I got busy, and did not post here for a while. Then, I was less busy, but I thought my comeback post had to be like the cat's pajamas (aka the bee's knees). I also thought that maybe this blog could do with some actual words, emotions, whatever, not just pictures of and links to stuff. I thought I should write something about the election so that someday I could look back and see what a momentous occasion it was in my life, or whatever. But, of course, writing is hard, and I am no philosopher. Plus, pictures are pretty. I like pictures. Here's a picture:

Now tell me that didn't just spice up this whole post! It is turtles at the turtle+lily pond (not to be confused with the turtles-only pond) at Caltech, beginning of October. Anyways, my idea this morning was to post my latest (i.e. second) crossword, but maybe I'll do that in my next post.

Right now, I'll expound on why I woke up at 4:30 this morning. It is a fairly common occurrence for me, waking up Way Too Early, then getting stressed that maybe I should get some work done, then getting thirsty/hungry, so I get up for a drink/snack. Today I had Earl Grey tea. Tea is warm. That was nice. It got cold here yesterday. That was not nice. We'd been having such a lovely fall, if you don't mind the occasional wild fire. I spent much of last week working outside on my laptop, alternating between two fountains at school, and appreciating that I live in California and not, say, Alberta. But, all things must pass, I hear. Stupid winter. Makes me so cold. I am sitting in my winter coat, as we are cheap, environmentally-conscious (maybe), and scared to turn on the heater because we have not done so yet, and it will either (a) blow up the apartment or (b) smell really bad. Possibly both. That would really suck. Okay, yes, it is early. Perhaps it is a sign of my everlasting optimism that I wake up early? I'm always just so excited to get started with the day? And then a sign of my neverending disappointment with life that I want to go back to sleep at like 7am? Yeah, so, I like to take a nap at about 7am. In between 5 and 7, I sometimes get some work done. Because I am up so early, tho, I figure I have time to goof off, and I'll usually do my daily xword (it has to be done sometime, after all). Then, I'll usually find some other thing to waste time on. For instance, pictures of animals doing silly stuff:Photo from msnbc Animal Tracks
Silly cow! Okay, my expounding is getting less fun for me, and probably I should get to work for real now. Or at least start my daily xword. Ta ta!

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