Saturday, August 9, 2008


Do you know what the internet phenomenon "rick-rolling" is? As I'm nearing 30 (i.e. nearing being really truly old), I am no longer with it, and only just learned what it is today. Through a rather complicated chain of procrastination, starting with the crossword clue "Pile of hay"=RICK, I ended up on this definition from Wikipedia:
It seems that some clever internet people out there are/were putting up seemingly bland, innocuous looking links that in fact led to this super-awesome music video of the song "Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley:
Of course, hilarity often ensues if you are, say, at work, and your secret love for crappy 80's pop is broadcast to your entire office. See, this is the kind of internet chicanery I can get behind, cuz everybody's day can be brightened once by the awkward gyrations of Astley & crew.

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