Monday, August 17, 2009

i eat chocolate chips like you for breakfast

Just kidding, you are not a chocolate chip. But I have had a bag (well, bags, really, as they mysteriously turn up empty every couple days) of chocolate chips on my desk in front of my computer for the past couple weeks. Organic, Private Selection, Ralph's-brand chocolate chips, mind you (now that's fancy!). Anyways, I've been working a lot, and being too lazy to get up and make myself breakfast, I keep eating chocolate chips from the bag for breakfast. Not even consciously. It just happens. Some kind of autonomic reaction of my hand and mouth to an open bag of chocolate chips. It is sad cuz I miss oatmeal, a more reasonable breakfast. I even ended up having oatmeal for supper last night, I missed it so much. Actually, it was more necessity than yearning -- we have not been to the store in ... a while. In conclusion, I am not good at being an adult :).

Okay, enough about me. Here's a much more entertaining video of a ... prairie dog? ... yelling "Alan!". You're welcome :).


PS More sharing! Here are other things on my desk that a non-slovenly adult should not have on her desk. A box of Thrifty-brand sugar cones, two spoons that are caked in ice cream and were used to make ice cream cones the last two nights, then left on the desk, a withered yellow flower that I had put in K's hair when we went for a walk around Caltech, a pot holder, and an empty plastic container of gummi [sic] strawberries.

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