Friday, August 29, 2008

neutral milk hotel online

Neutral Milk Hotel is a long defunct band that I am just learning of. I was introduced to them by these beautiful, well-produced covers of their song "In the Aeroplane over the Sea" on Youtube:
Acoustic Monk - In the Aeroplane over the Sea (Cover) (nrml)
Acoustic Monk - In the Aeroplane over the Sea (Cover) (slow).
Here is the original song on Youtube:
In The Aeroplane Over The Sea.
Here is The King of Carrot Flowers Part 1 in a fairly awesome fan-made video:
Neutral Milk Hotel - The King of Carrot Flowers Pt. I.
Here are live versions of Two-Headed Boy (part of it, anyways), Gardenhead, and all parts of The King of Carrot Flowers:
Two-Headed Boy, Gardenhead, King of Carrot Flowers Pts.1,2&3.
Here is Holland, 1945 on Youtube:
Holland, 1945.
And the full Two-Headed Boy:
Two-Headed Boy.

There is quite the collection of mp3s and videos from NMH at
this fan site.

jenny lewis online

Here is a link to a page with links to mp3s for most tracks from Jenny Lewis & the Watson Twins' Rabbit Fur Coat:
Aquarium Drunkard :: Jenny Lewis :: Gives Her Album Away.
You can get the one missing track, a cover of Handle with Care, from
Captain Obvious's Covers Mix-Tape VIII:
Handle with Care
NPR's All Songs Considered has a streaming version of the title track Acid Tongue available here.
NPR also has a streaming broadcast of a Jenny Lewis concert with many of the above songs here.
Here is a link to the Postal Service song Nothing Better on Youtube.

Friday, August 15, 2008


[[Embedded Google Video Endangered Aye-aye in action]]

Neat-o weird-o vide-o of an aye-aye (a kind of lemur from Madagascar) finding, catching, and eating a grub. Other fascinating videos and images of aye-ayes can be found here.

Here's an old-timey illustration of an aye-aye:

Sunday, August 10, 2008

lickity stickity peanut butter yum

Continuing with the theme of blogging my favorite, all-original recipes, here is my recipe for "lickity stickity peanut butter yum".

1 jar creamy peanut butter you do not plan to share with anyone afraid of your cooties
1 licking knife

Preparation time:
1 minute

Preheat oven to 75 degrees. Unscrew lid from peanut butter jar. Coat licking knife with a reasonable amount of peanut butter. Eat until gone.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

patented space age out-of-this-world moon pancakes, with blueberries

Here's the recipe for my mouthwateringlydelicious blueberry panceggs:

1 cup Trader Joe's buttermilk pancake mix
1 cup milk
1 large egg
3 tbsp sugar
It should be very liquid-y.

Heat butter in pan. Pour batter into pan, completely covering the pan with about .5 cm of batter. You gotta completely cover the pan so that you get perfectly round pancakes. Add lots and lots of frozen wild blueberries. The organic wild ones are good cuz they are small and a random person in the Trader Joe's told me they are 3x higher in antioxidants than the regulars. Anyways, pour them in, then when you feel you can, flip the pancake. This is a real trial, cuz the pancake is huge and really liquid-y. Even a master chef like me sometimes makes a mess. Cook til it's cooked, then serve with fake lite syrup. On the side so that you can dip the pancake in and get exactly the right amount of syrup on each bite. Okay, c'est tout!

mice on a wheel


Do you know what the internet phenomenon "rick-rolling" is? As I'm nearing 30 (i.e. nearing being really truly old), I am no longer with it, and only just learned what it is today. Through a rather complicated chain of procrastination, starting with the crossword clue "Pile of hay"=RICK, I ended up on this definition from Wikipedia:
It seems that some clever internet people out there are/were putting up seemingly bland, innocuous looking links that in fact led to this super-awesome music video of the song "Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley:
Of course, hilarity often ensues if you are, say, at work, and your secret love for crappy 80's pop is broadcast to your entire office. See, this is the kind of internet chicanery I can get behind, cuz everybody's day can be brightened once by the awkward gyrations of Astley & crew.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Here's a little doodle I drew while watching TV on the Internet a while ago. I inherited an old scanner, and decided to scan it in yesterday. I'm thinking it needs some work adding color to it.